I recently watched the MetaCasts.tv Ember.js screencast. I found it really helpful and easy to understand. One thing to note is that the screencast is slightly out of date -- the demo app uses Ember 1.0 and Ember Data 0.13 and I wanted to use more recent versions. I decided to follow along with the screencast using newer versions of Ember and to take note of the differences I encountered. Though it took me a little longer to make it through the screencast this way, I think I learned much more about how Ember works than I would have otherwise because of the additional research I had to do. If you're new to Ember I recommend that you do the same, but if you get stuck, here's what I had to do differently to get it running.
I used the ember-rails
gem, which installed
- Ember 1.3.1
- Ember 1.0.0-beta.6
- Handlebars 1.2.1
I also used jQuery 1.10.2.
Part 1
I didn't run into any big changes in part 1 of the screencast. The only difference I encountered was with the linkTo
helper in the templates. When I opened my console, there was a warning that linkTo
is being deprecated in favor of link-to
Part 2
Part 2 of the screencast was where things started to get a little tricky. The differences between Ember 1.0 and 1.3.1 don't seem too great, but Ember Data has changed dramatically between 0.13 and 1.0. Many of the changes are summed up in the transition document, but I still had to read a lot of Stack Overflow posts before I could get everything working properly.
In Ember Data 1.0, App.Country.find()
doesn't work anymore. Now we access our models by using @store.find('country')
. But this only works in routers and contollers. The transition document notes that you can also inject the store into other components using App.inject('component', 'store', 'store:main')
but warns that accessing the store from anywhere other than a controller or router is an antipattern. If you want to fetch models from the server in the javascript console and trigger the API call as is demonstrated in the screencast, you can do so by typing App.__container__.lookup('store:main').find('country')
. For examining your models, I recommend using the Ember Inspector, which gives you some awesome Ember debugging tools in your developer console in Google Chrome.
Good news -- in Ember 1.0, we no longer need to configure the RESTAdapter to handle irregular plurals. It will automatically look for the countries
and breweries
routes instead of countrys
and brewerys
When the API is namespaced, we no longer want to reopen the RESTAdapter in Ember 1.0. Instead of DS.RESTAdaper.reopen
, we extend it, like so:
App.Store = DS.Store.extend
adapter: DS.RESTAdapter.extend
namespace: "api/v1"
Also note that in Ember 1.0 we no longer need to call create()
on our adapter when we define it. We also don't need to specify a revision.
Part 3
In part 3 of the screencast, we start to work with model relationships. In previous versions of Ember Data, relationship keys were expected to end in _id
or _ids
. Ember 1.0 will now by default look for a breweries
key instead of brewery_ids
in the countries
JSON. There are a couple of ways to handle this.
The first method I tried was to change the key in the Rails CountrySerializer
to breweries
instead of brewery_ids
, like so:
class CountrySerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
has_many :breweries, key: :breweries
This setup worked for a while, but I ended up running into problems later on in the screencast when it came time to add new beers because Rails threw a MassAssignmentError
when the creation params contained country
and brewery
instead of country_id
and brewery_id
In the end I found it was easier to modify the Ember app so that it would expect keys ending in _id
and _ids
for relationships. To do so, I added the following to my app.js.coffee
App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend(keyForRelationship: (rel, kind) ->
if kind is "belongsTo"
underscored = rel.underscore()
underscored + "_id"
singular = rel.singularize()
underscored = singular.underscore()
underscored + "_ids"
In Ember Data 1.0, the syntax for declaring hasMany
and belongsTo
relationships has changed slightly. Now, instead of passing "App.Brewery"
to the hasMany
function, we do this:
App.Country = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr("string")
breweries: DS.hasMany("brewery", async: true)
Likewise, in App.Brewery
, we'll write DS.belongsTo("country")
. I found I had to pass async: true
to all of the hasMany
functions so that the children would load asynchronously after the parent had already loaded.
Part 4
Saving records to the store has changed in Ember 1.0. We no longer use the commit()
function. When saving changes to a brewery in the BreweryController
, we do the following:
brewery = @get('model')
Similarly, adding a new beer has changed to use save()
instead of commit()
. Like we did when fetching models from the server, we now call the createRecord()
function on the @store
instead of on the model itself. I also noticed that country_id
would be set to null in the params and the new beer wouldn't save unless I set the country
, not just the country_id
, in the creation attributes. This is what my addBeer
function looks like:
addBeer: (attrs) ->
brewery = @get("model")
country = brewery.get("country")
beer = {
title: attrs.title
abv: attrs.abv
brewery: brewery
country: country
if !attrs.title? or attrs.title.trim() is ""
alert "Please give your beer a name!"
beer = @store.createRecord("beer", beer)
I noticed a deprecation warning in the console when any of the controller actions were executed, which said:
Action handlers implemented directly on controllers are deprecated in favor of action handlers on an 'actions' object
The solution was to wrap all of the controller actions into an actions
object, like so:
actions: {
edit: ->
save: ->
addBeer: (attrs) ->
I also had to make a couple of small changes to the Country
model in the Rails app. I modified the before_create
to the following:
before_validation do
if self.key.blank?
self.key = self.title.parameterize.gsub(/-/,'')
I had to do this because Rails' parameterize
method joins words with dashes and the beerdb
gem validates that the key contains only lower case letters and numbers, so it was impossible to create a beer whose name was more than one word.
That's about it for the changes I had to make to get the MetaCasts.tv demo app working with Ember 1.3 and Ember Data 1.0. The screencast was definitely worth the $20 I spent on it, and I think it's especially useful if you're familiar with Rails.